How Much Food Should I Buy For Christmas?

There’s a fine line between festively full and bursting at the seams.
If you’re trying to nail that balance this year, you’ve come to the right place. After asking the experts (chefs at Gousto and my mum) I’ve come up with a guide for how much you need for The Big Day, including turkey, gravy and even the Christmas pud.
So if you want some leftovers, but don’t want to be eating Christmas food till February, read on.
When it comes to turkey, size matters
Are you the hero on turkey duty?
Typically a 1.5kg turkey joint that’s off the bone will feed around five to seven people or around 2.5 to 3kg for a whole bird. And that’s including the leftovers for sandwiches, pies or turkey nuggets the next day. Just remember: it’s all about timings and a recipe you can truss – I mean trust.
How much veg is too much?
Whether it’s parsnips, sprouts, braised cabbage or carrots, 80g of each per person will do the trick. Clear your cupboards and fridge before writing your shopping list, it’ll stop you from overbuying at the shop.
Prepping and freezing beforehand is always a good shout. Top and tail your sprouts, then chuck them in the freezer – alongside sage-buttered parsnips (still raw) and if you want to hit the ground running on the 25th, you could even freeze parboiled potatoes.
Swimming in gravy
Is it even Christmas if your dinner isn’t doused in the good stuff? To satisfy everyone, you’ll need around 150ml per person. Need a recipe? This one’s my favourite: see how to make the ultimate gravy.
Potatoes gonna potate
Some people are turkey people. Some are about the bread sauce (you know who you are). Me? It’s roast potatoes. 200g per person is perfect, and if there are any leftovers you can chuck ‘em in a bubble and squeak, hash, or just grab a cold roastie right out of the fridge. This is a no-judgement zone.
Stuff it, it’s Christmas
If you don’t have a go-to recipe, this stuffing how-to is a stonker and 100g per person will be plenty. The ingredients are pretty basic too, so you probably already have them in the cupboard.
Wrap up Pigs In Blankets early
Pre-wrapping and freezing your pigs is a success story waiting to happen. I’d say three per person is enough, but I’d be lying. Portion for four each, in case hungry fingers pinch any before they reach the table.
Room for pudding?
Christmas pudding isn’t quite as controversial as Marmite, but it’s pretty close. If you and yours are pro-pud, go for around 100-125g per person. You’ll only need around 2-3 tbsp each max for the brandy butter or double cream (whichever you prefer), and if you have any leftover this post-Christmas chocolate yule log has your name all over it.
Still looking for festive inspiration? Feast your eyes on our Christmas hub or find your next Christmas recipe to add to the list this year.
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