5 Ways To Make Dad’s Day This Father’s Day

I always think the key to a great Father’s Day is in the name – celebrating your dad (or dads), and everything that makes him different from all the other dads out there. If you’re struggling to think of ways to show your pops some love this Father’s Day (Sunday 16th of June), try some of these on for size…
Cook him something
Just look at this glorious meaty triumph of a burger. The rich Angus beef patty, dripping with melted cheese, sandwiched between crunchy bacon, fresh lettuce and a golden toasted brioche bun, oozing with creamy mustard-infused mayo. What was I talking about? Oh yeah, cook this for your dad this Father’s Day.
Look out for this burger on your weekly menu! Or follow the recipe yourself!
Give him something
This is the obvious one for Father’s Day, but why fix what isn’t broken? Yes, sometimes it can seem like dads have it all sorted, but there’s always something that will put a smile on his face, whether that’s a new notebook, a gadget for his bike, a golf ball cleaner, a bottle of his favourite tipple, some funky oven gloves, or just a cracking photo of the two of you together.
Take him somewhere
Let’s hear it for days out! Take a little trip anywhere your dad would love to spend a few hours: The beach, a museum, hiking through some hilly countryside, a farmer’s market, a theme park, a garden centre… somewhere you can go on a mini adventure together. You could even explore some of your dad’s childhood haunts. If your family is multicultural, Father’s Day is a great opportunity to learn more about your heritage.
Do something with him
If your dad is a man of hobbies, try suggesting a day where he introduces you to his favourite activities. Something crafty or sporty works particularly well here. Alternatively you can watch his favourite film together or binge his most loved TV series.
Do something for him
Still no lightning strike of inspiration? Then how about you simply make your dad’s life a little bit easier. Whatever tasks he usually takes care of, offer to take them off his plate for the day, or just get them done before he even realises. Surprise him with that clean car / mended jumper / cut hedge / vacuumed floor / painted front door / empty kitchen sink / tidy garage / sorted recycling.
Feeling energetic? Do more than one of these ideas, or even try to tick all of them off! And if you think there’s a great Father’s Day idea I’ve missed off my list, I definitely want to hear about it in the comments