Christmas Pudding Ice Cream and Orange Sauce

What are you going to do with all that leftover Christmas pudding once the guests have cleared off and you’ve already eaten so much of it that you don’t want to see another slice for at least…364 days?
Leftover Christmas Pudding Recipe
Here’s one solution – making Christmas pudding ice cream requires only a little bit of leftover Christmas pudding, but when combined with a tangy orange sauce (probably the easiest sauce you’ll ever make) becomes a fresh reimagining of festive flavours. It’s not nearly as rich as an actual Christmas pudding, and it saves anything going to waste. This is the post-Christmas dessert jackpot!
- leftover Christmas pudding
- vanilla ice cream
- orange juice (the cheap stuff is fine!)
- Add your leftover Christmas pudding to your ice cream and stir to combine
Tip: Keep the ratio of pudding to ice cream between 1:2 and 1:3 for the best results - Place the mixed ice cream in a freezer until fully set, then pour the orange juice into a saucepan and simmer over a medium-low heat for 30 minutes or until reduced to a thick, tangy syrup
- Serve the Christmas pudding ice cream in bowls and pour the reduction over the top
So simple, so good. If you’re after more effortless but delicious recipes, take a look at our Candied Orange Peel or 3 Amazing Christmas Canapes posts. (Don’t tell Santa, but those canapes work all year round…!)